内 容
本講演では,自由運動が"自然な"運動であることに異論が出ないだろうことを拠り所に,機械系にとって自然な運動を生成するための方法論を探る試みを二つ紹介する.一つめは,コンパス型歩行モデルの自由運動が有する時空間的な力学的対称性に基づいた歩行運動生成手法である.前方に振った脚が地面に衝突する瞬間に後方の脚で撃力による蹴り動作を行えば,力学的対称性により遊脚運動を完全に自由運動に保つような歩容が生成できることを紹介する.二つめは,自由運動の主導原理である Hamilton の原理に対してある改変を加えることで導かれる軌道生成手法である.ヒトの運動計画についての規範に関する研究は運動生理学や神経科学的な知見に基づいて盛んに行われているが,本研究では純粋に力学的な知見から軌道生成手法を導いているのが特徴である.この手法には,多様な運動を生成できる点や拘束条件に対して柔軟に対応できるなどの利点がある.ヒトの運動の実測データと計算例の比較なども示す.
13:30~14:30 「Interactions and Cooperation Between Human and Artificial Beings」
講 師
Professor Ljubo Vlacic Intelligent Control Systems Laboratory (ICSL) Griffith University Brisbane, Australia
内 容
Led from its inception by Professor Ljubo Vlacic, the ICSL has been a dynamic and creative R & D environment in which a number of academics, R & D engineers and postgraduate students carried out the research work on control and robotic systems and the operation of these systems in uncertain work environments. The ICSL is conducive to innovation and has nurtured numerous research projects and produced fruitful research outcomes, many being broadcasted widely through various media outlets throughout the world. The talk will address ICSL's ongoing research projects including: * Cooperative Autonomous Driving; and * Collaborative Multi-Objective and Interactive Computer Gaming Cooperative Autonomous Driving: The ICSL driverless vehicle uses a combination of sensors, information systems and electronic controllers to safely navigate public roads. Using complex control & decision making algorithms developed by Griffith researchers, the ICSL vehicles are able to traverse intersections, overtake slower vehicles and avoid obstacles, without any assistance from human drivers. TeamMATE: A Computer Game for Collaborative and Social Interaction. In order to investigate the interaction and collaboration of biological and artificial entities as fully equal partner agents, we are developing a computer game electronic boardroom system called TeamMATE. Within this electronic boardroom, biological and artificial fully equal partner agents interact collaboratively to fulfill the various roles and responsibilities related to a simple interview process.